AWS Interview Questions

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all are doing good and learning well about AWS and Cloud Computing Fundamentals.

Today, I am going to talk about an Interesting topic i.e. AWS Interview Questions or Topics, I tried to pick those topics which normally used to asked in a Interview.

If you are a fresher or having 1-2 years experience, these questions, I believe can help you a lot to crack a Interview. Let go through with it and let me know if you find these questions helpful.

For more interesting videos about AWS Technology, you can refer my Youtube channel

In this channel, you will get lots of interesting AWS Videos training in Hindi without any cost, To  access  est of  the services available at basic fees, please check our Services Section. So, here is the questions list for you to crack the Interview.....

1.    Explain What is AWS.
2.    Explain key components of AWS

3.    What is Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud. Amazon provides which cloud.....
4.    What are Service Models AWS provides. What is  the difference...
5.    What  is VPC, What  is Internet gateway, what  is its functions.6

6.    What tools you can use for Migration
7.    What is the storage options available in AWS.

8.    What is S3. Can you store a Static Website in AWS.
9.    What is IAM, how  it works.
10.   What is AWS KMS System.
11.    What is Hosted Zone in Route 53.
12.   How you can setup Primary Secondary failover in Route53.
13.   How you can setup Weighted policy in route53.
14.   Explain the functionality of  AMI. How it works.
15.   What is the relation between AMI and  Instance.
16.   What are backup strategies available in AWS. How you can take backup of instances.
17.   What is EC2, can you launch instance in your dedicated network.
18.   Explain T2 and C4 nstances.
19.   What is Dynamo DB, How it differs from RDS. 

20.   What is Elasti Cache
21.   How Cloud Front works, explain its functions
22.   Explain Regions in AWS
23.   Why we used AWS CLI
24.   What are benefits of cloud
        Pay  per use, Elasticity, Flexiblity, Scalable
25.   What is Direct Connection
26.   How much large object you can store in S3.
27.   How to setup an EC2 for ping response.
28.   What is Security group
29.   Can you use read replica to write data in RDS.

30.   What is MFA in AWS, how it works
31.   What is RRS in S3.
32.   If you want to run a database on an EC2 instance, what is the most recommended storage option.
33.   What are the support options available in AWS. How many types...
34.   Where are the backup snapshots get store in AWS
35.   How you will setup VPN for VPC.
36.   What is the difference between Elastic Bean Stalk and Cloud Formation.
37.   Describe the steps to setup a VPC.
38.   What are the features you can use to increase EC2 security.

To get some idea about answers of these videos or reference link, you might find below video useful...

Do share your inputs like the  Interview questions you faced in comment section so that  other people can also take the advantage. Happy Learning...


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