Difference between Public IP, Private IP and Elastic IP address. Is Ela...
Dear Cloud / AWS learners,
I hope you all are doing good and learning Cloud well. Today we are going to learn about Public IP, Private IP and Elastic IP and how they are used in AWS. So here we go:
Public IP -- By Default, when you launch any server in EC2 in default VPC, you will get a public IP and Private IP assigned to it without any cost. You can access your server by using public IP.
Public IP used to get change when you restart your server or after some time it can be change as this is not permanent IP address in AWS. Therefore, you should consider to have Elastic IPs if you need static or permanent IP address like for Hosting your website.
Private IP -- You will also get an private IP address by default at the time of launching an Server in AWS and you can use it to access other servers via their private IP address in Subnet.
These are also available without any cost.
Elastic IP address -- Elastic IP address is the solution of permanent IP address. If you need to assign a server a static / permanent IP address you have to use Elastic IP address. They are available at free of cost but condition is that they should be attached to a running instance. Even if they are attached with a stop instance, they will be chargeable.
To get an Elastic IP address, Go to Elastic IP address tab, Allocate a new Elastic IP and attached to it.
Release it if they are not in use as best practice for cost saving.
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